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ANDROID STUDIO – “FACTORIAL”: How to Create a Simple App that Calculates Factorials


then getting NullPointerException...Also on the first go its calculating correctly but If I calculate again then getting wrong answer. I think some loop issue because I am directly using the value of factorial.

It works but when I try calculating factorial 80.000 and more the app stucks for a moment and then exits, reloading the graphical 'desktop' inteface of android.The same piece of code run by a pc creates no problems. How can I fix my app to calculate those values rather than terminate itself?


Calculating factorials lead to very big numbers very fast. The factorial of 100 is 9.332621544 E+157. Your factorial is 3.097722251 E+357506! Although BigInteger theoretically has no limitations, I will suggest you to read the answer in this question.Also BigInteger is an immutable class, so creating new ones in every loop is really heavy on your memory. Your code seems correct, but when you deal with factorials most of the times you fall into memory problems.

Excellent answers from Luc and Mark. However, a good code sample is missing. Adding the tags android:focusableInTouchMode="true" and android:focusable="true" to the parent layout (e.g. LinearLayout or ConstraintLayout) like in the following example, will fix the problem.

You can do it easily in this case but what if we need to find factorial of 1000 or What if we need to add 1 to 1000 number or even more. Here we need for loop to iterate a particular code for a range of values.

Using recursion Factorial can be easily implemented in Java just by returning the number n multiplied with a factorial of (n-1). We use a base case that if n is less or equal to 1 we return 1. This resolves the call stack step by step from fact(1) to fact(n) . Ultimately producing the desired result.

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Factorials are commonly used when calculating probability and permutations, or possible orders of events.[1]XResearch source A factorial is denoted by a !\displaystyle ! sign, and it means to multiply together all the numbers descending from the factorial number. Once you understand what a factorial is, it is simple to compute, especially with the aid of a scientific calculator.

F# code also tends to be quite succinct, allowing developers to express solutions succinctly, resulting in simple, maintainable code. Writing a factorial function like my example wouldn't result in many lines in any language, but the result is readable and easy to understand.

With the class library in place, I can now add a reference to it from the iOS app and start using it from C#. For the UI, I'll create a simple screen with a textbox for taking in a number, a label for displaying the resulting factorial and a button to trigger the calculation, as shown in Figure 1.

In simple words, if you want to find the factorial of a positive integer, keep multiplying it with all the positive integers less than that number. The final result that you get is the factorial of that number. So if you want to find the factorial of 7, multiply 7 with all positive integers less than 7, and those numbers would be 6,5,4,3,2,1. Multiply all these numbers by 7, and the final result is the factorial of 7.

If you are looking to build your expertise in Python factorial program, consider getting certified. This free course on Factorial Program in Python offers you complete guidance on the subject and also a certificate on completion which is sure to make your CV stand out.

This is the most straightforward method which can be used to calculate the factorial of a number. Here we have a module named math which contains several mathematical operations that can be easily performed using the module.

On a 16GB RAM computer, the above program could compute factorial values up to 2956. Beyond that, it exceeds the memory and thus fails. The time taken is less when compared to the iterative approach. But this comes at the cost of the space occupied.

To compute factorial (4), we compute f(3) once, f(2) twice, and f(1) thrice; as the number increases, the repetitions increase. Hence, the solution would be to compute the value once and store it in an array from where it can be accessed the next time it is required. Therefore, we use dynamic programming in such cases. The conditions for implementing dynamic programming are

A mathematical concept which is based on the idea of calculation of product of a number from one to the specified number, with multiplication working in reverse order i.e. starting from the number to one, and is common in permutations and combinations and probability theory, which can be implemented very effectively through R programming either through user-defined functions or by making use of an in-built function, is known as factorial in R programming.

As in the above calculation, we have seen that the factorial of 0 is 1, whereas the factorial of the negative number is not defined, in R we get NAN as the output for factorial of the negative number.

# find the factorial of -1> factorial(-1)[1] NaN# find the factorial of 0> factorial(0)[1] 1# find the factorial of 1> factorial(1)[1] 1# find the factorial of 7> factorial(7)[1] 5040# find the factorial for vector of each elements 2, 3, 4> factorial(c(2,3,4))[1] 2 6 24

The return statement on line 10 in Fig. 3 unconditionally exits the factorial method. Therefore, any statement within this method that comes after the return statement cannot be executed, resulting in an error message.

Factorial of a positive number is a number which is obtained by multiplying all sequence of number starting with 1 till the number itself.Thus factorial calculation is a repititive process and recursion is often used for this.

Bug fixes:-Fixed a bug on android that would make the screen stretch on not 169 phones-Fixed a bug that caused money to freak out at higher values.-Fixed some things being dependent on number of frames.(Could find this bug thanks to a new faster PC!)-Fixed some typos.-Fixed some characters like

Bug fixes:-Made a safety measure for a bug happening when the path to the game is too long. Now game will tell you if the path is too long and close instead of dying after prologue.-Fixed a bug that made it necessary to double click on bot on android.-Fixed a bug that made food unlock on the 4th day instead of 2nd day.-Fixed a bug causing cum leaking outside animation to be too fast.-Fixed some typos. 2ff7e9595c

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